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首頁 >> 雜誌期刊 >> 景觀及都市類雜誌


編作者:貝思出版有限公司   /

出 版 者 :貝思出版有限公司
語  言:英文
裝  訂:精裝        
頁  數:256        

Architects and engineers are able to specify grass, paving, pools and other features but, unsurprisingly, their focus is on architecture or engineering. Landscape architects specialise in arranging the five great compositional elements of outdoor space: Water, Landform, Structures, Paving, Planting. These elements compare to the pigments on an artist’s palette, used to represent scenery. So much is clear and share the inspiring hope, so well expressed by Sir Geoffrey Jellicoe in 1975, that ‘the world is moving into a phase when landscape design may well be recognized as the most comprehensive of the arts’1. But thirty years have passed and we are still waiting for that recognition. This book helps enlarge on Jellicoe’s vision - but we must recognize the problem which besets the commissioning of landscape architecture in every land. Excellent landscape projects require two categories of client concern: with private interests and with public interests. Too many clients are better at the former than the latter, understandably enough. Buildings are therefore designed for the convenience of their owners, roads only to maximise traffic flows and water courses only to maximise water flows
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